Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nuda Land Growing Bamboo In Quebec, Canada. (Zone 4)?

Growing bamboo in Quebec, Canada. (Zone 4)? - nuda land

Hello. Phyllostachys nuda, invited plants in my country in the Laurentians. It's cold up there (Canadian zone 4), but bamboo is good-32C. Someone planted this bamboo Welcome to Quebec or Ontario?


weather said...

Bamboo, the protection in the needs
its temperature to survive the winter. Hermetically has some air bubbles on the top and bottom and a plastic bag to retain moisture in the workplace. permanent protection in your area, but could not wilthout before a harsh winter. Most of them have some success, even if it does not look very spring is rapidly growing.

Bamboo in Zone 5 is also difficlut unless one of the most robust and very cold in zone 6, there are more, but still about 25 species or less and in region 7, and again no real problem with bamboo in zone 8 and higher

Annie said...

No, never, sorry. However, only a matter of obvious to be lower than in the Laurentians, mulch, or will cover during the winter? With the amounts which the cold wind and snow up there .... I think I just might try just for fun, to see if she could. Good luck, and if it goes perhaps a panda or two? (:)

yeahrigh... said...

u must be joking. I live in an area of 4 I've never seen someone who is bamboo. not survive the winter. that could survive a winter or 2, but then die anyway

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