Monday, December 14, 2009

Nasal Infection More Condition_symptoms I Think I Might Have Nasal Polyps Or A Very Bad Sinus Infection Where Fluids Are Trap?

I think i might have nasal polyps or a very bad sinus infection where fluids are trap? - nasal infection more condition_symptoms

After many trap.II doctor appointed by decree is clear to me is nasal polyps or sinus infection is very fluid or mucus can swallow also.Blood feel my nose is bleeding and is not gushing or anything else that our blood and sometimes my nose bleed. Is there a way to stop the infection, it can kill if they are not used surgery.What medical products to bacteria and stop swallowing aerosols sinus oasis. I know which one? can help?


boom boom said...

Have you formally diagnosed, or simply drag jump to conclusions? If you nasal polyps, you may need an operation to remove them if they are serious. Surgery is the only way to get rid of them, I fear - do not do it alone.

If this is not too strong, your doctor may prescribe a nasal spray like Beconase Aqueous spray.

It's really something that you discuss with your doctor, ob

eloquent said...

to discuss the results of CT for ENT and treatment options.

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